As I finished the article: 9 essentials to prepare your church website for Easter, I realized that though all the points are important and truly essential for a church website, to carry out all of them before Easter may be impossible for many churches.
That's OK.
Take a deep breath, relax. Have a cup of tea.
Even if you only get one or two areas updated on your website before Easter you will have made progress in better communicating what your church is about and how to find Jesus.
In some ways this ECC site is like a fashion or home-decorating magazine
What I mean by that is that almost nobody really dresses like the women in fashion magazines or has a home that looks like the ones in home decorating magazines. These are ideal images, goals, visions of style to strive towards.
By the time the dress makes it into a store real people can afford, it is greatly simplified. The roomful of ideas in the decorating magazine may be reduced to a different color on the wall and new throw pillows on the sofa. What's important to remember is that just because we can't have the designer dress or the completely redecorated room, doesn't take away from the fun and inspiration the original gives us. We need goals, ideals to challenge and motivate us, both in fashion and home decorating.
My articles about church communications are similar. I research, observe, shift, and challenge you with ideals of church communications and though realistically, you may only be able to carry out a few of the suggestions, I trust and pray that the ideals will help you communicate more effectively than you've done in the past.
Finally, remember that in this, as every area of our Christian life, we are pilgrims. Be kind and gentle to yourself and to others in your church; pray for wisdom on what to carry out and what to schedule for future times. At the same time don't allow yourself to camp out and not make progress. Travel with purpose, pray for strength, and do all you can so your website and all your communications will bring many new pilgrims into your church this Easter season.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!