An effective church communication ministry that enables unchurched people to find Jesus as Savior and grow to mature disciples takes the joint efforts of all the church staff. Church communications that fully fulfill the Great Commission take more than a church administrator who knows how to create professional-looking publications. They require involved pastors and leaders.
Unfortunately, this involvement is rare and that lack of involvement results in less than effective communications and often frustrated church communicators. This does not mean church leaders need to know how to do church communications, but they need to understand how they are done. Leaders also need to set the vision for the goals for the communication ministry and be certain to evaluate and follow-up communication projects. This book will help your church leaders understand the need for their involvement and the limits to their communication involvement in this vital area of church leadership, management and growth.
Below is the Table of Contents for the book. The ebook is free for Effective Church Communication Members or you can buy it as an immediate download below.
Table of Contents
What every church leader needs to know about church communicationsINTRODUCTION: Communication that fully fulfills the Great Commission
The media isn’t our message—our message is Jesus
Why discipleship is essential for the church to survive —and why your communications are essential to develop disciples
A mathematical comparison of methods of church growth
The Five Steps of Effective Church Communications and Marketing
The Five Steps of Church Communication & Marketing Chart
Incarnation—a continuing challenge and model for church communication
You’ve got one of the hardest ministry assignments—get spiritual support
Responsibility and understanding are required to lead the communications ministry of your church
A Leadership Summit lesson and suggested application for church communicators
Sugar water or sand? How to really change the world
To buy and download immediately:
For Effective Church Communications Members, you can download the book with the link below or you can CLICK HERE to go to the page where you can download this and over 30 other ebooks that will help you be a more effective church communicator. For information on ECC Membership, CLICK HERE.
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