Ebook publishing represents an incredible opportunity for Christian writers and Christian workers anywhere in the world to get their message out to the entire world. There are many ways to do this, and while the following video is not a complete course in self-publishing, it does show you how I create books for epublishing.
I have a perhaps odd way of doing it, but it works well for me and that is a process where I first publish my book in Smashwords and then in Kindle formats. Smashwords has a system that quickly produces your book in every available e-reader format, including Kindle readers. I use that to check my formatting, etc.
However, for some reason amazon and Kindle don't get along, so if you want your book to appear on the amazon site, which I want to so that readers can get either print or ebook versions, (CLICK HERE to go to my selection of books on amazon), you need to do a separate publishing on the Kindle site.
What I have found is that if my book looks OK in Smashwords, it will publish just fine in Kindle without having to do any of the complex things many other sites on the web tell you that you have to do for Kindle.
One caution, limitation: I am working with books that are all TEXT. Books with illustrations are a very different situation and I haven't had the time to tackle that yet.
I know this system is far from perfect (as are all my books), but it is incredibly exciting to see what you write available to the entire world. We have no idea how our Lord might use what we write, but if we have a message to communicate, we need to get it out there.
Following is a video that illustrates all this on how I publish on Kindle and other ebook formats. Below the video, for ECC Members is a PDF of the PowerPoint notes.
Notes for video above for ECC Members
CLICK HERE or on the image for a print version of the notes that go with the video above.
laurenceedgar says
Once again Yvon
You have presented a great tutorial and video
Today my third book was accepted by Kindle
It is called When Judges Ruled.
Yvon Prehn says
Congradulations! That is wonderful and many blessings to you.
Yvon Prehn