We all want to thank the volunteers who work so hard at all the ministries of church. And we wish we could thank them all personally, but we often feel we are just too busy and so sometimes we don't do anything.
The video following shows you in three minutes how you can use technology to help create a card that provides a shell for a personal thank you. The length of your thank-you isn't nearly as important as the time you take to care and reach out.
If you click the image to the left you can download a FREE, ready-to-print PDF thank you card.
If you'd like a set of the all the cards shown in the video, plus some additional ones, in both ready-to-print format as well as editable MS Publisher files, it is available as a download for the Effective Church Communications E-book and Template Club and is available after the video.
The complete set of Thank-you Cards
The complete set, illustrated below, has the card above, plus these additional cards. The black and white, with spot color cards are color separated and ready to print in the PDF format.
The download for ECC Members has the following materials for each of these images
- Ready-to-print PDFs
- Editable MS Publisher files
- Images of main cards
Effective Church Communications Club Members
If you want to find out more about ECC Membership or to sign up, CLICK HERE.
CLICK on the ZIP FILE below to download the files.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!