Take a few minutes to watch this and you'll never look at Mother's Day at your church in the same way.
Mother's Day has the third highest attendance of any Sunday and it isn't because of all the mothers there. It's because of the unchurched spouses and kids who come with mom!
This is a fantastic day for outreach, but you have to intentionally make the most of it. Below is a short video that will give you great ideas on how to do this. I STRONGLY recommend you take a few minutes in your staff meeting to discuss this and plan how you can make the most of this day for outreach.
Below the video is a PDF of the handouts for the presentation.
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Click here to go to a download file that previews ALL of the publications that are in the video. This is a very large file that has all the editable files and PDFs when you download it--but it is a gold mine of resources.