What makes Easter special to you and your church?
The obvious answer is that we celebrate Jesus' resurrection from the dead and the joy of knowing that, if we trust Him as Savior, we too will live forever, forgiven of our sins and loved by our God. I Cor. 15:3-4 reminds us that "of first importance" in our faith is that:
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
Do you think your community, the people you want to reach this Easter season have any idea that is what Easter is all about? Probably not.
To answer that question, to find out what they really think about Easter, do a little creative research.....
Consider "man in the street videos"
For honest research to find out what the people in your community think about Easter, do some informal "man in the street videos."
This doesn't need to be fancy or take lots of time. You can do it or get a volunteer and then:
Take your video camera (or phone) and, wander around the neighborhood or local mall and ask people:
"Why do you celebrate Easter?"
"What is the meaning of Easter?"
Pretty simple questions, but the answers should be interesting.
Use the resulting videos, not only to help you plan communication strategy, but to show to your congregation to help them understand their neighbors. [Read more...]