Flowers and candy are nice and at church praise from the pulpit for all Mom's hard work is always appropriate. But in addition to those things, we've got two others that may have more eternal impact.
Inspiration to pray for her kids: One Mother's Prayer
This short piece, One Mother’s Prayer, has probably impacted more people than anything else I’ve written. It is the simple, but true story of a young man whose life was going very wrong, whose Mother prayed, and his life changed.
It was first published in Today’s Christian Woman magazine. It was repeated in their Best of Ten Years of writings, it has been reprinted and republished all over the world, and it continues to bring tears to the eyes of any group I read it to. You are free to use it any way you want and share it however you want.
It is useful for Mother’s Day, for Moms in Touch and other prayer ministries and to give out in Children’s ministries. CLICK HERE to go to One Mother's Prayer.
Mother’s Day: Come Back to Church Cards
One of the things that will make Moms most happy is for the people they love who only come to church on Mother’s Day and other special events to come every week. It won’t happen by simply wishing it will happen. You can help this happen for Mom's by providing a way to intentionally let visiting family members know you want them to come back to church.
You have to invite them back.
Subtle doesn’t work as a communication strategy in our world today. Think of how the secular media bombards us with repeated messages to buy this, come to that, don’t miss out on some special sale. Though we don’t want to be obnoxious we do have to be persistent and clear.
The link here will help you do this: CLICK HERE to go to it.
Additional resources of all sorts for Mother's Day
Inspirations and how-to videos, ebooks, connection cards and bulletin inserts for Mother's Day are all at this link: https://www.effectivechurchcom.com/mothers-day-resource-list/