ed. note: An apology first: I messed up on this in the first of the video, I refer to content that is "long-form" with the words, "long-term." Dumb mistake on my part, but I don't have time to redo the video now, so I ask your forgiveness. The basic ideas are so important, please ignore my brain freeze.
Long-form content means you aren't restricted to 140 character tweets or 500 word articles (what many recommend for the web) to share your ministry message or challenge. As a recent blog post discussed many organizations and publications are now putting long-form content on the web. However, for that content to be read easily, you can't just dump thousands of words on a website.
Information design is the tool that makes long-form content readable. Though we'll cover this in upcoming instructional videos and articles, this short video gives you an overview of some of the new long-form publications online and how information design makes them differ from earlier sites that simply contained lots of content.