Pastor Gil has been interacting with our site for many years in addition to his many ministries serving God's people. When I got this email, I wanted to pass it on and encourage you to participate. Churches helping those around them is one of the most powerful ways to witness. If you can give money--great--but we can all pray.
To be without power and in the cold--how scary that would be. Pray the Lord turns the current storm away and that many people come to know Him through the love and care of his people.
***At the end of this article, please add in your comments any other links to groups, denominational or those you know and trust for Hurricane Sandy Relief.
Dear Friends,
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good and his mercies lasts forever. Amen. Praying that all is well with you, family, and those around you. I wanted to provide a quick update as to our progress and ways you can help. [Read more...]