How can a church keep going financially when we don't meet and aren't able to take up an offering?
Hi, this is YP and welcome to the Effective Church Communications podcast!
In our current challenging times, many churches are concerned (and justifiably so) with how they will pay the bills when the church is not meeting together regularly. I've got a great solution for you and you don't need to learn any new technology to do it.
Listen to the podcast below or continue reading for the solution.
For many churches, the Sunday morning offering is still the primary way the church gets tithes and offerings from the congregation.
The frequent response to this situation of churches not meeting is to emphasize online giving and though that is a great solution in many churches (and I personally love using it), it isn't a viable solution for many others. Either the church does not have online giving in place, doesn't want to set it up, or a large group of people in the church simply don't want to use it.
Technology isn't the answer to everything and sometimes trusted methods work well in challenging times. [Read more...]