Graduation seems like freedom—no more school or rules! And though it is a time to celebrate, we also want to challenge the graduates in our lives with the responsibility that comes along with the freedom.
One of the most important decisions they need to make is what will be the North Star of their life? What is the one fixed point around which all else revolves? What you choose for a North Star can determine the direction of your life, whether it will be one with focus and meaning or an endless drifting through unsatisfied dreams and desires.
At the risk of being a buzz-kill at this happy time I wrote a short piece to challenge graduates to consider carefully the focus of their lives.
I created a short piece that challenges graduates to carefully consider this. Below is the text. I also created two half-page sheets in PDF and MS Publisher format you can easily print out and use as a bulletin insert or on the back of a program or whatever you want. One has a colored background like the image to the left and one is blank.
CLICK the link that follows to download a ZIP file that contains them: Graduation Challenges half page
Use the text below any way you want with my permission, however if you reprint it, please do not change the text, use it as a whole.
Choose your North Star wisely
Just as the time-lapse image above shows how all the stars revolve around the fixed point of the North Star, in all our lives we revolve around certain fixed points of belief. That belief will then determine our everyday choices, actions, and the consequences of them.
If we believe that we are the most important person in the world, that the world owes us love and success, our lives will move in directions that will spin a petty, small world with us at the center.
If we believe money is the way to happiness and fulfilment, if we believe our job or hobby or even a person we care for is the most important thing, our lives will revolve narrowly around that.
If we think the most important thing in life is having fun we’ll either spin out of control or move in ever more meaningless directions.
At your graduation, consider that there is only one North Star worthy of the focus of your life now and forever. That is the North Star of knowing Jesus as your Savior and living in obedience to his Word. When you know his Word well your life will have direction, focus, and fulfilment, even though it may be
difficult at times.When you live like that you play to an audience of One, the Lord Jesus. Though at first it may seem hard, it is ultimately relaxing and fulfilling because only Jesus loves you totally, always helps you make wise decisions, and will always be with you in every moment of life, death, and forever.
Graduation is a great time to make life decisions. Choose your North Star wisely. The direction, fulfilment, and joy of your life and eternity depend on it.
Other Graduation resources: click on the link following the title
Free Challenging Instagram graphics for GRADUATION, download and use
For Graduates: Celebrate but also challenge
A Prayer for Graduates, Free flyer, bulletin insert