Ed. note: No matter what time of year you read this, you will always be tempted to think that you don't have time to follow the advice in this article on goal-setting. But to make the most of all your days, you need to make the time to do it.
It would take a hundred lifetimes to accomplish all we are capable of—all we would like to do. The reality is there are no dress rehearsals in life. We have only one lifetime to do our best and to be all we can be.
If we had forever, perhaps there would be no need to be concerned with priorities. There would always be tomorrow—for us and for all the others in our life. But, time is the great ruler. Without time there is nothing. The sobering thought is that the clock is always running. Therefore, our choices make a great difference in our lives.
John 10:10 tells us, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” God intends fulfilled, beautiful lives for His children.
Goal setting implies a change in the status quo, an achievement of dreams. Unfortunately, many articles and workshops never result in much change. People may read or attend, have a pleasant time, make some resolutions and then get discouraged when they face the actual task of working toward their dreams.
Resolve now that you will use this information as a starting place to reaching your goals by acting on your knowledge. What you are reading right now is enough to start you toward making some significant positive changes in your life.
It is not for anyone else but you to choose your path in life. God has a unique purpose and plan for your life. You have the responsibility and can have the joy of discovering that plan for yourself. You have many choices. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Six strategies to keep you on track:
• Know what you want from life. There are always people who want to tell you what you should be doing. When you begin to feel others are making too many decisions about how you are living your life, remind yourself it is your responsibility to make your own choices. For true happiness look for a purpose that will outlive you.
• Recognize the difficulty of choosing priorities and focusing on them. Keeping the main thing the main thing is not easy. Few worthwhile things are. You will be constantly pulled in many directions. The task is ongoing; the rewards make it worthwhile. Every day you are spending time, your most valuable resource. Your goal is to spend your precious time in the most fulfilling way.
The world is full of people who want to succeed; not so many are willing to pay the price. Yet, in the long run it takes just as much time, energy and effort to live an unhappy, aimless life as it does to live a fulfilled one. Often the price for failure is far greater than the cost of success. Parents who take the easy road with children when they are young most certainly pay the price as the children grow up. Couples who do not nurture their marriage pay the price eventually.
• Define specific goals. Goal setting and wishful thinking are not the same thing. You must be specific about what you want to achieve—and you must want to achieve your goals regardless of whether others share your vision.
You may talk over a dream with someone and that person may take your goals lightly or try to discourage what they see as too ambitious. Misery always looks for company. Choose carefully those with whom you share your goals. Avoid people who are likely to rain on your parade, but more important, learn to trust God’s guidance and your own seeking of His direction.
The vast majority of people live by default, not knowing where they want to go and having no need to figure out how to get there. They have no plans to follow, no new adventures to aspire to, no ambitions to achieve. Many would like you to have as little direction as they. It is doubtful you would be reading this article if you fit that description. You do not need to be one of the many who have trouble getting a handle on goals. You can be aware of the pitfalls and chart your course around any obstacles.
To go to Part Two of this article, CLICK HERE.