Mother's Day gets some of the highest attendance of unchurched visitors of any Sunday and it isn't because of Mothers.
The Mothers are always there. The high attendance comes from the unchurched kids and spouses who come to church that week to make Mom happy. To help you make the most of it I pulled together some of my most popular resources and put them into an ebook that will help you make the most of it.
What’s here in the FREE OUTREACH materials for Mother's Day
- Reprints of materials from the Effective Church Communications website (www.effectivechurchcom.com) that will:
- Give you a new vision for the outreach and evangelism opportunities of this day and how to make the most of them.
- Reminders of how to be kind to those who aren’t Mothers.
- Ideas for how to use Mother’s day as a discipleship opportunity for your entire church.
- Also enclosed in this eBook are copies of One Mother’s Prayer, a true story that has been reprinted and used thousands of times all over the world to encourage both physical and spiritual mothers to pray for the children they love. You have permission to make unlimited copies of One Mother’s Prayer (I, Yvon Prehn, wrote it and I’m giving permission to you) to use it or reprint in any way you want. It can used it in prayer groups, as a handout for
Mother’s Day, for Mom’s groups, for Grandparents, shared in print, social media, or
websites, however you’d like. No linking or attribution required. - Tips for communications you can create before, during, and after Mother’s Day, plus links to FREE templates to enable you to do that.