It takes more than inspirational pictures to communicate the extraordinary truth of Easter and to convince people to accept the Jesus of Resurrection as their Savior and Lord.
Though your church might take months to interact and instruct explorers of the Christian faith, I wrote the text for our set of invitation cards to, I hope, to start them down a truthful path by letting them know from the beginning that this day is about more than music and chocolate (though both are wonderful parts of our celebrations). After looking them over, I thought they might be useful to you for social media, on the web, in your bulletin or any other Easter communication. You are free to use them in any way you want without attribution.
As powerful as images might be, we need WORDS to explain the Christian faith. Especially if you are reaching out to unchurched people, they know little to nothing about the images of Easter that are meaningful to you. The image might grab their attention and the words pique their interest to explore.
For the invitations that go with the text below, CLICK HERE.
Looking for something this Easter?
We all are.
It may not be as obvious as a child’s search for candy and Easter eggs, but we all search for something often undefined, but never gone from the whispers in our mind when all around is quiet.
To satisfy our search we collect experiences, toys, relationships, but after all that, often come to the same conclusion as did C.S. Lewis:
If I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
Easter is about the other world, the other life Jesus makes possible.
Join us this Easter to find out more.
Most of us go through life searching for something—
….all good things, but seldom do we quit searching even after we find them.
The extraordinary news of Easter is that life is that we can quit searching and allow ourselves to be found by Jesus.
That’s what He died and conquered death for—to bring the creation He loved back into a relationship with our Creator.
This Easter join us and learn to rest and learn what it means to let Jesus find you.
Easter is about so much more than you can imagine
What do you think your life would be like if you believed in the Jesus?
Boring? Constricted? An endless series of don’t do this or that? Intellectual suicide?
At Easter, consider. . . .
Christians claim that Jesus conquered death. If that’s true imagine what it would mean to become a friend and
follower of Jesus, Someone, totally and eternally ALIVE?Someone who spoke and the worlds, galaxies, stars and starfish, came into being?
Someone who, when he walked the earth, played with
children, was a great party guest, healed sick people, loved enough to die for all of us.Challenging, exciting, never-ending and never alone—more than you can ever imagine is the life you can
discover this Easter, in Jesus.