Before the year closes out many people want to make the most of their charitable giving contributions, below is a link to the IRS site that explains charitable giving guidelines and might be useful if people call or email the church office with questions.
Here is the IRS LINK overall for charitable giving:
For Canadian charitable giving information:
Ask for what you need
In addition to this link, think about asking people to consider a designated donation to the communications ministry at the church. Good, complete, on-going communication is a vital part of every effective church. However, it is a ministry that needs resources to function at its best.
Here is a list of some of the things that designated gifts could be used for:
Updated computer--for producing communications in the church office, the prices of really powerful computers have dropped greatly in price. For less than $500 you can get a computer today that would have cost thousands just a few years ago and that can greatly improve your productivity.

Updated software--if you don't have MS Publisher, a fantastic gift would be the software and a months worth of training for only $25 at CLICK HERE to go to an ebook that illustrates all the benefits of MS Publisher and gives you two great resources of where to get it at an amazingly low nonprofit price.
Updated production equipment--if you haven't looked at some of the current copier machines and digital duplicators, you'll be amazed at the updates in technology and how you can print high quality materials at a very low price. Ask for money to put into a fund and then schedule some time with your local, trusted dealer to show you options. Don't get things printed by outside companies until you've explored the options for your church.
Updated training--if you aren't a member of Effective Church Communications, check out the resources HERE to get an overview of the training videos, free ebooks, downloadable templates and ready-to-print MS Publisher files all available for only $9.99 a month or $99 a year. There is NO other place that provides this kind of basic and useful training for churches. CLICK HERE to go to the membership page for more information and to sign up.
If you didn't get a chance to ask before the year's end
Effective Church Communications supports the ministry of every other part of the church--it needs to be supported as aggressively as missions or children's or music or any other area, because if it is done well--church communications will make every other ministry area more effective.
If you didn't give an opportunity for people in your church to give to the communication ministry before the end of the year, consider a special offering at the start of the year and assure all your ministries that they will have a more effective New Year!