I cannot imagine the astonishment, bordering on horror, if Anna and Simeon (read their stories in Luke 2:22-38) who, like many devout Jews had spent their lives anticipating the coming of the Messiah if they could see how we celebrate his birth today and often Jesus.
It isn't only the secular world that is guilty of this.
Think about how your church celebrates Christmas. Many Christmas-related events that churches hold—singing carols, community outreach and gifts, children's programs—might sing some Christmas carols, and refer to Jesus briefly, but how many churches clarify the incredible meaning of God incarnate? Of the centuries of prophecies that foretold his birth? Not only that, but how many churches use this time as an opportunity to let people know that Jesus did not stay a baby, but that he grew up to become Savior of the world and if anyone in the church or visiting would like to know more about that, that the church has information, links, and classes, seeker groups and every imaginable resource to help them do that?
Enough piling on of guilt—here is a handout that you can use to help people realize that Christmas is the not the whole story, but only the beginning of the chapter of God come to earth in the person of Jesus to save people from their sins.
This handout is a start to help you church communicate that extraordinary message, you need to fill out the back with links you share about how to become a Christian and about upcoming activities at your church that designed to help people explore the Christian faith. [Read more...]