This PDF shows business cards used in a number of ways, all of which are effective for outreach.
But example #1 on the page needs a little more explanation. It is a card that a church can give out to people after doing some sort of service project. For example in the winter, perhaps the youth group shoveled sidewalks or scraped windshields or the church gave folks hot chocolate at rest stops. Whatever the kindness, this is a great way to let people know the church did the action and to invite people to come visit the church.
Some folks might say that perhaps the church should simply do the act of kindness without saying who did it and if that is what the Lord tells you to do, by all means do that. However, if you don't let people know who you are and let them know that the church is there and wants to have a continuing relationship with them, you might be cutting off someone who has a real need and who might want to connect with the church. A third option might be to make up the cards and allow individuals to choose if they hand them out or not.
To download the PDF, click here, or on the image.
note: this PDF is from Yvon Prehn's archives and is the only format of this article available presently. Not the greatest quality to be sure, but shared with the belief that the content is useful.