There is an obvious lack of civility in our world today and this is an opportunity for the church to be salt and light, not only to those outside the church, but to each other. I've got something for you that will help. First a little background.....
My husband and I recently attended the Global Leadership Summit put on by Willow Creek Church and at the keynote address, one of the topics addressed by Bill Hybels was the lack of civility in our world today and he suggested that churches consider creating a "Civility Code." I took some of his notes as inspiration and created one for you.
CLICK HERE or on the image to download a copy of a PDF of my example.
For a ZIP file that has a PDF, a jpg image of the Civility Code, and an editable MS Publisher file, click the following link: Civility Code
For more about the talk that inspired this and the conference, go to my new blog: www.yvonprehn.com and check out the series of posts on the Global Leadership Conference. More about this new site coming, but if you want to get notices on the entries put on that site, you have to sign up for the separate newsletter there.