At this holiday time of year, we work so hard to put on Christmas events and we want as many people as possible to attend.In addition to all you do at the church, if you can get free media advertising, this can be a way to reach people who are unfamiliar with your church.
To help you do that, reach your community, and get them to your events, ECC Member, Sandra Coulson, a newspaper reporter and copy editor has shared a Publicity Workshop presentation that she presented to her church. The advice in it is clear, simple, easy-to-follow and tremendously useful.
The ZIP FILE at the end of the article has her PowerPoint presentation and PowerPoint notes. Below is her cover email that explains what she did.
I can't thank her enough for sending it. If you have training materials like this that you would like to freely pass on, please email me with them at yvon@effectivechurchcom.com.
Sandra's email and cover letter for the Publicity Workshop Presentation
Hi Yvon,
We recently tried a publicity workshop for leaders of groups at my church and it seemed to help many of them with an area in which they were struggling.
Some background: I’ve worked as a newspaper reporter and copy editor for 30 years. Although I sit on the other side of the fence, I understand the general approach that publicists use to attract attention to their cause. I also noticed that some of the posters, flyers and public service announcements that groups at my church were putting out were missing the mark. (At my church, each group often does their own publicity.) So I volunteered to put together a short, simple presentation on the basic of publicizing events.
I sent out invitations (mainly by e-mail) to all group leaders. Since I work nights at the newspaper, the easiest time to organize it was right after church on Sunday morning. The alternative was a session on Saturday, but I figured most of us would be there on Sunday, so I chose that day. I made up a PowerPoint presentation and an A-V Team member kindly stayed after church to run it for me. I prepared a handout with the PowerPoint slides and a list of all the media outlets I could think of in our city where events could be promoted: dailies, weeklies, magazines, newsletters, radio stations, TV stations, neighbourhood bulletin boards (the old-fashioned, non-electronic kind), websites, Twitter hashtags. (I didn’t provide all the details on how to contact each outlet because that seems to change quite often, but at least having a name gets them started.)
I think every group was represented either by the leader or a substitute the leader sent along, so I must have touched a need. Another church across the city heard about the presentation and asked for the material to use there. My presentation took only 20 minutes and there was a bit of discussion afterward, mainly with group leaders sharing with each other additional media outlets that I hadn’t thought of or whether some seemed more effective than others. Since then, some of them have continued to e-mail me with new ones they come across (mainly websites) and I have forwarded those to others who attended the workshop, so our list continues to grow with options for them to choose from.
I’ve attached the PowerPoint presentation. I thought it might be of some use to Effective Church Communications.
Sandra Coulson
Church of the Ascension
London, Ontario
I'm making this file free for everyone for the next few weeks and then it will be available for ECC Members only.
CLICK HERE to download the ZIP file that contains the PowerPoint Presentation and Notes page PDF.
Once you download the ZIP file, save it to your computer and then click to open.