Words are powerful. As God's Word reminds us:
The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit. Prov. 18:21
As church communicators, words are the tools we use to fully fulfill the Great Commission, to introduce people to Jesus and to grow them into mature disciples.
Though most church communicators would agree with these goals, there are many ways we can accomplish them. We can shame people, mock, and malign to reveal what we consider error. We can be caustic cynics of what we don't like in politics or people. We can yell or express righteous anger because we consider it our right to do so. But though we can choose how we use our words, we can't always choose the effect they will have, this verse reminds us.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Prov. 12:18
Though I first referenced this article seven years ago, we need it more than ever today. And though there is true evil that we need to confront in word and deed, even there the following advice is helpful. It comes from a longer article by Rev. James Martin, S.J. and after I copied it as an inspiration for actions, I realized what a useful challenge it is for all of us who communicate: [Read more...]