We all struggle with how to make the most of our time as church communicators. Every task seems urgent and important and there are never enough hours in the day.
While it is impossible to add more hours to our days, for most of us, we could do a better job at prioritizing our tasks. I know this is something I constantly struggle with. It seems like I'm always working, but I'm not sure I'm always working on what is most important.
This evening while riding the exercise bike and catching up on my Christian reading (multi-tasking that works well for me), I found this quote in the September issue of Christianity Today in an article about missionaries. Amy Carmichael wrote this in 1903:
For each of us, how we make the most of those few hours to win the battles we need to fight for our Lord and His Kingdom, will be different. But I know for each of us, we need to be reminded not to give in or give up too soon in the battles.
Practical application
I created this postcard-size reminder for you to print out and post.
At the end of the article is a zip file that has a jpeg image of it, the ready-to-print PDB and the original MS Publisher file.

One way to fight the war
In the past I've encouraged you to take part in Back to Church Sunday. Even if you don't take part in this event, here is a resource that provides materials for you to invite missing members back to church anytime:
Postcards: For Missing Members & how to get people to come back to church
No matter what you do this week or anytime, in your work as a church communicator or in all of life, ask the Lord to help you live so that you can say with the Apostle Paul:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
CLICK HERE to download the file, save and click to open.