Effective Church Communications provides Timeless Strategy and Biblical Inspiration to help churches create communications that fully fulfill the Great Commission
Effective Church Communications provides Timeless Strategy and a Biblical Perspective to help churches create communications that fully fulfill the Great Commission. Our tools constantly change; our task doesn’t; we can help.
Cards like this are great to make up for members of the group to give out at playgrounds or in line at the grocery store.
Social media is powerful, but there are many times in our day and ministries where we don't have or can't use it—at a hospital visitation, in a casual conversation, times when we want to anonymously share a ministry, a resource, or hopeful advice. Business cards are the perfect ministry solution for all these situations.
Below are links to articles, two video classes, a podcast and templates.
Key article: Church Invitation Cards, business cards with an eternity-altering purpose: https://wp.me/pDky9-1tQ
Here is an excerpt from it:
How do you get unchurched people into your church?Despite all the high-tech and expensive advertising methods available today, one method remains the most effective way to get new people to come to your and that is a personal invitation. Your members inviting their friends to church beats any advertising campaign at any cost.
Key article: Why church business cards still work in the digital age, and bonus content on anonymous cards: https://wp.me/pDky9-8dp
Here is an excerpt from it:Business cards never have downtime. They're always accessible, and never have dead zones or Internet outages. Your business card can be viewed no matter where you are located, and even times when cell
There are many ways to create church invitation cards and many setting you can use them in, check out the materials here for ideas!
phones and other devices must be turned off, such as on an airplane ride or in a hospital. Your business card is always working for you.
Article: How to pass sensitive ministry information for domestic abuse, drug abuse, and pornography addition help: https://wp.me/pDky9-8fh
Part of the Church Communications Training School, a good video to share with staff on the many uses and types of these cards. Especially important is the section on how they can be used in sensitive and challenging ministry situations.
A contemporary church business and invitation card--check out the Template link for lots of unique cards.
Podcast: ECC Podcast: Church and Ministry Business and Invitation Cards: https://wp.me/pDky9-8df
An audio format with content similar to the video, but good for both preview and review of the importance of church and ministry business and invitation cards.
Video: How to modify the FREE Templates for Church Business and Ministry Invitation Cards: https://wp.me/pDky9-8ea
The templates can inspire, but they are designed for you to modify them for your church or ministry. The video link above is part of the course on the cards and the link below is to the Templates themselves.
Church Business and Ministry Invitation Cards can be powerful tools for outreach.
The values of business cards for churches and ministries is simply a reflection of their value in the world outside the church. Contrary to the opinions of some, social media and exchanging information via cell phone are not the most effective ways to reach out or connect.
This isn't simply my opinion, though I did feel a measure of irritation when I asked a potential business resource for their contact information and had to wait while she rummaged through a huge purse, found her phone and tapped her information to me.
Later, I couldn't find it as my recent calls had several numbers I didn't recognize and no idea which one was from her. How much easier it would have been to connect if she had given me a business card.
My bad attitude aside, following are excerpts from business sources of the continuing value of business cards. To make it relate to your work in the church I have some comments interspersed in the articles surrounded by [brackets like this] and I have some concluding comments at the end of the excerpts, plus links to FREE TEMPLATES for you to modify for your own church and ministry invitation cards.
Business cards put a face to business….business cards never have downtime, are always accessible, never have dead zones or Internet outages
Business cards still matter because our memory is bad, [I took out a harsher word] How many times have you met someone, spent most of the conversation thinking of what to say so you don't sound stupid, then promptly forget their name when it's all over?......A business card is a road map to opportunity [because it helps you remember what you weren't listening to because you were thinking about yourself. We do this in the best of situations.]
Business cards never have downtime. They're always accessible, and never have dead zones or Internet outages. Your business card can be viewed no matter where you are located, and even times when cell phones and other devices must be turned off, such as on an airplane ride or in a hospital. Your business card is always working for you.
Writer Sarah Brooks at Successful Blog explains that it gives them something physical to refer to later should they decide they want your product or service:
Business cards put a face to a business – When meeting someone new, handing them your business card (preferably with your photo on it) will help keep your business in the back of their minds. Though they may not need your product or services today, there may come a time when they do, and hopefully they will be able to pull out your business card and call versus trying to remember your company name and searching.
We have many Free Church Business and Ministry Invitation Cards Templates (CLICK HERE to go to them) and you can edit and modify the cards for your church.
I realized that though what I just said is so easy to say, many people may not know what that means, so I created the video below to briefly show you. Many of the templates available online on other sites are in Photoshop, but many churches don't have Photoshop, nor do they want to get it and learn to use it. Our templates are all in MS Publisher and VERY EASY to modify. Many you don't even have to modify at all, you can simply print off the PDF and then put your own information on the back.
If you'd like to be notified when additional free templates are created or other useful material added to this site be sure to sign up for our newsletter. You can do it by CLICKING HERE.
When you do outreach in the name of Jesus, don't be a secret Christian.
True story here about a lost opportunity to share Jesus:
In our area, one church frequently does a compassionate outreach at a Laundromat in an area of town where many homeless people do their laundry.
My husband, who is a bi-vocational pastor and who does handyman work to support our ministry habits, was on a job recently with a homeless young man. When he overheard him talking about "some guy who paid for my laundry," my husband asked him who did that and what they talked about.
The young man responded, "He didn't say anything—he and his wife just sat in a corner for two hours. I would have talked to him if he wanted—he put in ten bucks for me."
How sad! To pay for washer and dryer use for people who sometimes must choose between clean clothes and a decent meal is a fantastic way to demonstrate caring in the name of Jesus—IF people know you are doing it in the name of Jesus. If not, you may be considered nice, but perhaps a bit strange. [Read more...]
Church Business Cards make great invitations to church, here's why and how to use them effectively.
A personal invitation is one of the best ways to get people to come to your church and one of the best ways for people to remember your invitation and actually show up at the church is for you to give them a business card with the church information on it.
PLEASE take a few minutes to watch this video on the value of them and how to use them effectively.
Below the video are more resources to help you create them. [Read more...]