“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matt. 25:40
Loving and caring for those less fortunate is a way of showing love to Jesus and at this time of year, you can do that by shopping for school supplies at the greatly discounted prices on the pre-school sales and using them for Backpack Ministries and saving them ahead for Christmas Shoe boxes.
To encourage and inspire the people in your church to take part, Effective Church Communications has links at the end of this article to entries that have church bulletin inserts in a variety of illustration formats that you can use to remind and encourage your congregation to get involved.
Some of the bulletin inserts are PDFs that you can personalize on the back. There are more designs available in editable MS Publisher format that you can download and modify.
In addition to printed bulletin inserts you can take the same material and use it on your website, postcards, and as email reminders.
The first two links are for Backpack Ministry Inserts, the third one encourages people to shop for your Christmas Shoe boxes when the fall sales are on, and finally a personal article on why this ministry is so important to me.
No matter what else you read, or what you do, take some time and a few extra dollars to love kids in Jesus name by buying supplies they might not have if you didn't care and share.
Click on any title to go to the articles:
Back-to-School Backpack Ministry--an opportunity to bring joy to needy kids
A new set of designs with templates for Effective Church Communications
My personal reasons why backpack ministry is so important to me
Bulletin Inserts: Shop for Your Christmas Child Boxes in August--Samaritan's Purse shopping Tips!