People usually want to give to worthy causes and making sure that children have adequate supplies for school is a very important one.
However, we all need reminders to do what we ought to do and these FREE PowerPoint Slide images will help you remind your congregation.
Here is a gallery of the images. Just click on the ZIP file below them to download them.
Click the following link to download the ZIP file of the images: Backpack Ministry PowerPoint Images
Production note: when you place the image into your PowerPoint file, it will be a background and is not editable. You can add your own text over it.
Additional Resources for Backpack Ministry:
***These are all FREE! Please share with other church communicators!
Instagram Images for Backpack Ministry to remind and motivate your congregation to give: https://wp.me/pDky9-898
Bulletin inserts and Flyers for Fall Back-Pack ministries: https://wp.me/pDky9-7rX
My personal motivation for Backpack ministry—my memories and prayers about crayons and little kids in need: https://wp.me/pDky9-pL