Summer is a time when people expect to have fun at special events. When we host events at church, we can do that, but as with every holiday or special event we put on, we can do so much more if we are strategic about our summer communications!
One of the core teachings of Effective Church Communications is to remind you that holidays and special events are key times to both—grow your church in numbers and your people in spiritual maturity!
Doing more than stopping at fun only is what distinguishes how we have fun in the summer from other worthwhile places. There is nothing wrong with fun, but we also have the opportunity to perhaps change the course of the eternity of people in our communities by our strategic use of the opportunities people come to church in the summer.
This eBook and video on Strategic Summer Communications will help you do that.
They contain a collection of past, updated, and new overall advice on how to hold successful summer events as well as giving you previews and tips on how to make the most of the many FREE summer templates available for you here on the Effective Church Communications website.
Click on the image above to go to the ebook and the link to the video is below.
The video is on YouTube and can be freely watched, but if you want to download it and show it to your church staff as a motivational piece or as inspiration for your own strategy, you can do that from the Effective Church Communications Library (ECC Library). The ECC Library is a 24/7 resource of eBooks and videos that is now completely FREE or (PWYW, pay-what-you-want) and that gives you unlimited access to make copies of the eBooks and share them with your church staff and volunteers.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!