Because so many people think that Easter is only about bunnies and brunch we need to share with our invitations and in all our communications about Easter that it is about so much more!
This is a continuation of the topic discussed in Why just "Come to Easter at Our Church" isn't enough--FREE invitations with short, but powerful messages
Because so many people think that Easter is only about bunnies and brunch we need to share with our invitations and in all our communications about Easter that it is about so much more!
These social media images (the zip file has images sized for Instagram) will help you do that. They are free for you to download, share, and use in any way you'd like. The ZIP file is below the images. Click on the first image and they will enlarge for you to read the text more clearly. You can read them fine on your phone.
CLICK HERE to download the ZIP FILE with the images: Easter Social Media Images
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!