One of the things I love about this site is when those of you reading it share your experiences in church communications. Recently I received an email from Pastor Laurence Edgar from Belfast sharing his experiences on creating books for Kindle. I got his permission to share them with you and they are shared below, lightly edited for space.
One of the most important things about this is the encouragement that if you have a message you feel the Lord wants you to share, you can do it. You never know who will come across your material once you put it out there. Here is what Pastor Laurence had to say about it:
An Opportunity for All
by Pastor Laurence Edgar
Here is an opportunity for everyone who can write—converting your books to Kindle. Fiction, Novels, Series, Religion, Write articles, Food Recipes, Music, Exercise, Keep Fit, Sports, Healthy Eating. Write just about anything. It could turn out to be an extra source of income for them or their church.
I myself always liked writing tracts, and Bible Verses. I began to write small booklets
several years back. I tried to sell them as downloads through a web site which I designed,
without success, no one ever downloaded them.
Then I read about Kindle and I decided to take up the challenge. I edited my books into Kindle format, simple PDF format. I designed a Book cover, which wasn’t really that difficult. Nothing difficult about the whole process.
Here is how I did it:
1. Writing the book
I wrote my book using Microsoft Publisher then converted it into a PDF File using their PDF Converter.
2. Front Covers
You can outsource your eBook cover if you don’t have any design skills.
Go to http://www.Fiverr.com . You will find someone there which will design a book cover for $5.
(Yvon's note: this site looks fascinating—let me know if you use it.)
I use this programme, Cool eCover Creator by John Coates. It comes with a tutorial video, and cost $17. It is not too difficult to use.
3. Put on Kindle.
You must sign up for a Kindle Account, which is free. https://kindle.amazon.com/
When you do this you can download Kindle's PDF Book of Instructions
I submitted two books to Kindle, and praise the Lord they were accepted. I kept them at a very low price, which is OK by me. I use the money in God’s service. The first book I titled,
What Came First The Chicken or The Egg? Here is the link. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009K6KSRA
The other book is titled Did Jesus Christ Drink Alcohol? Here is the link to it. http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Christ-Drink-Alcohol-ebook/dp/B009L72ZVA/ref=sr_1_2
I'm writing this is to encourage other Christians and Pastors to try this. I know you have a lot of Christian members who may be looking for a way to earn extra income-well here is one of the easiest, The only thing it will cost them is time to write and a little outlay will be involved at the start.
Be Encouraged.
Pastor Laurence Edgar
Thanks for the post, I have been thinking about it and talking with my wife about doing it, but it was just too expensive to get a publisher and so I kind of let it slide. Now I can go for it and hope that it will be successful.
According to Amazon they don’t really like PDF files. They have trouble reading them. They actually want you to write your book and then convert it from OOo or Word to html, then upload it.
Give me a few days–I started to write an email on it and am buried in trying to fix a bunch of broken links.
I’ll do up the whole process I use to create Kindles. PDFs work just fine….I have a simple system.
Will share as soon as I can–