Yvon's note: As I'm going through this website updating links, I came across this poem. It is long past 9/11, but life is still hard. We many not be part of a national tragedy, but we all carry pain, hurts, burdens, and fears. We many never know why in this life—but if we know Jesus, we know He is there. Somehow, always, He is enough. I needed the encouragement of this poem today and I'm sharing it again because some of you may need it also.
If you have not read this poem "Meet me in the Stairwell" (it has been all over the web) it is one of the most powerful reminders of God's presence on 9/11 and in all the difficult times in our lives. In addition to being a reminder of God's comfort, this could also be used as a powerful evangelism or outreach piece. It's a reminder that our Lord seeks the lost. We can reach to Him, but first, last, and always He is reaching down to us.
I've included the text of the poem below with credit to the author, Stacey Randal. [Read more...]