I really dislike talking about myself, and only do it when it affects the Bible805 and Effective Church Communications ministries are affected. This is one of those times. If you are interested in my personal drama, read on, but nothing critical here as after this tale of challenges and some technical modifications that will take a few months to work out the ministries will continue.
It has been a rather challenging few months for me with one illness after another from before Christmas into February, (e-coli infection, RSV respiratory infection, discovered a heart anomaly, that I daily now wear a nitroglycerin patch for). We also started some major much needed updates on our 60+ year old mobile home, which requires packing up and moving everything out (a good time to clean and sort) and then a few weeks ago I had a severe fall. I was carrying some boxes down the outside stairs, slipped, tried to turn and grasp the rail, but missed and did a dead-drop backward with nothing breaking my fall, and hit my head on concrete.