What is your church about? Why do you do what you do?
Many churches would answer by pointing to either their church slogan or mission statement. Typically churches spend a tremendous amount of time and prayer coming up with these. Here are some random ones from the web:
Church Slogans:
- We exist to reach the unchurched and grow the church
- Reaching out to the World...Preaching to the Unsaved...Teaching the Saved to Serve
- We strive to pattern our daily lives after the example of Jesus Christ and to lead all members of the body toward this goal
- Committed to spreading the Gospel of God’s kingdom both here and abroad
- To reach people in our city and in the unreached nations of the world with the life-giving message of Jesus that they might become fully devoted followers to Christ.
Church Mission Statements:
- First Baptist Church is a fellowship of believers that purpose to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to equip believers through discipleship. Showing God's love, we strive to reach a hungry world with Jesus Christ through obedience to the Great Commission.
- To bring God's healing love to hurting people. To bring the joy of being a Christian to a sad world. To bring wisdom and knowledge to an unaware world. To bring good news to the poor. To bind up the broken-hearted. To set free the captives. To preach peace, as Jesus did.
- To grow in faith and share our faith in God with the world around us. We will: Provide opportunities for service, outreach, and improvement in our community as well as in the global community of which we are a part. --Model the body of Christ in our inclusiveness of the gifts of all persons and in our relationships with one another as a covenant community, as well as in our daily living.
But what are you really about?
All of the slogans and statements above are inspiring and worthy of our Lord.
The challenge is what are you doing in your church this week to fulfill them?
I just finished looking at a church summer newsletter that was sent to me (I get sent lots of things from all over the world, so don't think it was from your church) and if I was going to tell you what the church was about from their summer newsletter I would think it was about:
- Having fun with kids.
- Summer activities for kids.
- The senior pastor's vacation and what musical programs will fill in while he's gone.
- Getting people to volunteer for summer programs and making them feel guilty if they don't.
Nothing evil or sinful and some nice things there, but this was a church with "Bible" in its name and there was nothing anywhere about where or when you could study the Bible, learn about the Bible, be in a group that studied the Bible or even what the upcoming sermon topics were going to be.
The challenge to all of us
What are we really about? If we say, as one of the mission statements above did that the church wants "to equip believers through discipleship" it won't happen automatically. To grow people to Christian maturity as disciples takes tremendous amounts of work, lots of pieces of communication, and lots of time. CLICK HERE to go to an article that describes the importance of discipleship in growing your church.
Regardless of what your stated slogans and missions of your church, take some time to check out if your communications and your actions honestly reflect them.