Church Bulletins, how to create simple, clear layouts for them

I've often said in my seminars that church bulletins are the most effective piece of Christian literature printed today outside the Bible.

I say that because they are often the first piece of Christian literature visitors to your church from our post-Christian world see.

They must clearly communicate what is going on and the basics of the faith or people will be confused and walk away. Below is a PDF of a number of simple examples:

Church bulletins are the first face of your church and the Christian faith to visitors. This section will help you make clear and simple ones that communicate effectively.
Church bulletins are the first face of your church and the Christian faith to visitors. This section will help you make clear and simple ones that communicate effectively.

PLEASE read the many other articles in this section on bulletins for additional specific advice on what to include.

This PDF will give you some ideas for how to create your own very simple layouts and basic bulletins. To download it, click here or on the image.

note: this PDF is from Yvon Prehn's archives and is the only format of this article available presently. Not the greatest quality to be sure, but shared with the belief that the content is useful.

Picas, a useful way to measure in creating print communications

Picas are an easier measurement to use than inches when doing print communication creation. This PDF shows why.
Picas are an easier measurement to use than inches when doing print communication creation. This PDF shows why.

When you are measuring for print communication creation, it is sometimes difficult to deal with the fractions of inches.

Graphic designers use the pica as the basic measurement because, for one reason, it is a much smaller measure and is easier to work with.

This PDF explains it for you.

The Adobe design programs as well as MS Publisher have the option for you to set your measurements in picas instead of inches. In all of my examples in the PDFs from my basic design book, the "p" measurement refers to picas.

You can buy pica rulers either at art supply stores or online, just Google "pica" and a number of online stores will come up.

To download the PDF, click here or on the image.