You know the group, the newly graduated from high school, the ones you are glad to see off to college. You might be happy you don't need to deal with their questions, challenges, and whining anymore, but somebody has to.
Fortunately USAToday (8-21-2012, by Mary Beth Marklein) just published an article, "What makes cyber-weaned college freshman click?" that provides some insight into these thorns in your flesh and how we can keep their disruptive influence out of our churches.
According to the article, here are a few phrases that describe them:
- "Addicted to all things electronic and 'think nothing of texting a friend whom they know is only a block away.'"
- "Electronically far more sophisticated than their parents or teachers."
- "A generation with an average of 241 social media friends, but they have trouble communicating in person."
The perceptive among us can see that digital communication is very important to this group
Therefore, following are 5 ways you can use this to your advantage to keep them out of your church: [Read more...]