We just closed out our latest GREAT IDEA SWAP (GIS for short) and awarded the amazon gift-card prizes. You'll be seeing the shared communications on this site in the coming weeks, but before I tell you about what I've got planned on that, I wanted to talk about why the GIS is so much more than great Samples (even though those are part of it).
It is about extraordinary ministry ideas
I always have to have tissues handy when I open up the communications sent to me for the GIS, because they so often bring tears to my eyes. Just a few of them:
- An entire packet of Fire Escape materials, motivated by a story that is heart-breaking
- A collection of home-made greeting cards created for the birthdays of the congregation
- A set of Business cards to advertise a local blood drive held at church
- Underwear drive for those in need—much more than a notice or two, a whole campaign done with great enthusiasm
- A similar Socks and Beanies drive for the homeless (from a great church in Australia)
- Creative Stewardship campaigns, designed in-house for a local church and avoiding big commercial fees
- So many, many more that I'll be sharing
When I see these entries from around the world (Canada, Australia, England, U.S.) I feel humbled to be able to see God's people at work in such incredibly inventive ways to "Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8)."
Above is just a fraction of the wonderful ideas shared, not only in some of the more unusual ministries, but without knowing it, many of you shared things other might not think about though a "regular" publications. Sometimes it's the way you list events or sermon notes in your church bulletin, or the details in your connection card, or how you write stories for the newsletter—we can all learn from and be inspired by what others in the Body of Christ are doing to communicate the messages of the Kingdom.
What's most important about The Great Idea Swap
We call it the Great IDEA Swap, because though we get great designs and layout samples, "design" isn't the primary purpose of the sharing. The ideas that motivate communicate that help us live out our faith and discipleship in Jesus are the most important things.
I seriously doubt if anyone involved in the Fire Escape plans or the a person who donated undies, or socks, or beanies for the homeless did it because they were impressed with the font or graphics used in the creation of the communications that make these ministries possible. Or if an elderly person whose only birthday card received was the one created by the church was touched primarily because of the image used on the front. What touched either the people who donated to ministry ideas or those who received them was the love behind all these projects. When the motivation to communicate comes from a love for God and his people, the tools used to communicate it are always secondary.
Please don't misunderstand, I am not saying design and type selection isn't important—they are tools to that help us communicate effectively, but they are not the most important thing. Loving God and loving people through what you create—that is the most important thing and to all of you who donated to this round of the Great Idea Swap, you did an extraordinary job of it and I can't thank you enough.
For all of you who look at ideas from the GIS—don't ever feel you can't create something that looks as good or isn't as fancy or whatever. Take the ideas and modify them for YOUR church and they will be perfect in how you will reach YOUR people.
What's next for the Great Idea Swap
Several things are going to happen now:
#1 I am working on organizing the recent batch of materials and will be putting them into articles to share on this site. My plan is to share 1-2 of them every Friday as a regular feature. CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter notification of them.
#2 We are CONTINUOUSLY asking you for contributions to the ongoing Great Idea Swap. PLEASE be part of this. CLICK HERE to go to an article that tells you how to contribute. I would love to see continuous sharing be a part of your ongoing ministry. It only takes a few minutes to zip something off in email to me (and please include the permission phrase on the linked article), but you have NO IDEA how incredibly your idea may help other church communicators around the world.
#3 RIGHT NOW, I could really use some additional CHURCH BULLETINS! I need them from as many denominations as possible and as many different kinds as possible. I know many of you are struggling with the question of whether or not to go digital with them and I'd appreciate your thoughts on this. I am working on a special report on the effectiveness of Print vs. Digital that will be out soon and I'd love any input you have.
Quickly, if you are familiar with GIS, here is the phrase you need to include and just send your BULLETINS to yvon@effectivechurchcom.com:
The attached materials are given to Effective Church Communications for you to use in the Great Idea Swap in any way Effective Church Communication chooses without compensation, restrictions, or attribution in return.
The greatest thing you can contribute
As wonderful as the Great Idea Swap is, the most important thing you can contribute is your prayers for me, this ministry and each other.
I've often said I believe that church communicators are on the front lines of the battle for the souls of people the Lord has given your church. I am continuously amazed at the work done by underpaid, often not appreciated, and always incredibly hard-working church communicators. I know many of you struggle with out-dated equipment and impossible budgets at work and often with struggling health personally and at home. But you soldier on for the sake of Jesus and his Kingdom.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to work with you—you are my joy and encouragement in ministry. Oh, how I look forward to the day, when before Jesus, I'll meet you all and together we will praise Him for what He did through our communications.
Let's all take a minute right now to pray for our fellow church communicators that we all do work worthy of our Lord and pleasing to Him. Pray we can do our work with strength, grace, wisdom, and peace. May we be thankful for the great honor He has given us to share the Words of eternal life and may our communications bring many to Him.
And in all this we ask to God be the glory forever. Amen.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!