Churches can grow either by adding members or by growing discipleship and multiplying members through discipleship. This chart is from the 5 Steps of Effective Church Communications and Marketing, by Yvon Prehn available or FREE at the ECC Library, at https://ecclibrary.com/b/hvqNJ
I do believe that the multiplication ministry is the way to go in discipleship. It is based on 2timothy 2:2 and it is the example Christ himself used with the twelve that helped change the world. It doesn’t require the internet or mass media options and is useable during adverse conditions. I believe every church should be involved with this type of ministry.I would like more information you may have for getting churches started in this type of ministry.
I agree and as to the sources for what to do, the Navigators are where I first learned discipleship and they still have many resources and ministries–check them out online.
Also, I think that though many churches have a system for how to create disciples, many do not communicate it very well. That’s why I created my book and all I teach on the FIve Steps of Effective Church Communications and Marketing. More info on the book is here: https://wp.me/pDky9-7HX
And I just redid a free video and podcast explaining it more here: https://wp.me/pDky9-9t8 This has been very helpful for people to share with their churches.
May the Lord enable you to help your church grow disciples!