Why does your church do all the work you do for Christmas events, for the concerts, plays, family fun times?
The answer has two parts for most churches—the events are both for current members and for their unchurched friends, family, and those they work with and meet in the course of life. For your congregation, they often need a reminder that the events aren't just for their family, but that Christmas time is a great time to invite others.
This reminder is more important than a need to fill the church for all three Christmas Eve services. Jesus came to earth to provide salvation and many people outside the church today honestly don't know the reasons for his birth, life, death, and resurrection. Christmas is an appropriate time to invite share.
This bulletin handout will help you encourage your people to invite others to your Christmas services. CLICK HERE or on the image above to download a FREE PDF of the insert.
At the end of this article is a ZIP File for you to download that contains:
- 3 more designs (see below for samples)
- Ready-to-print PDFs of all 4 designs
- Editable MS Publisher files of all 4 designs
- Hi-res images of all
Additional Designs and text for the handout
Below are the three additional designs, plus the ready-to-print prayer guide you can print on the back of the handouts. Following the designs is the text of the handout that you can use if you want to create your own inserts.
Text for the Bulletin Insert
Below is the text for the Bulletin Insert above and following it the downloadable ZIP file.
Here’s a great idea—
Invite your friends to church
this Christmas season!....or 4 REASONS why I should bother to pray,
ask, and remind people to come when I’d rather
just relax and sit around munching sugar cookies.1. Life is scary
The economy, war, terrorism, ill health—there is a lot to be afraid of in our world today. But those who have met the One who calms storms, know that though the journey might be challenging, we are ultimately promised a safe harbor. Invite your friends to meet Jesus, the only reliable guide through scary times.
2. People are lonely
Lies, abandonment, abuse, disappointment—no matter how wonderful the person or relationship, there are times when the best of human companionship will disappoint. That’s because, as St. Augustine said, we all have a God-shaped place inside that only Jesus can fill. Invite your friends to meet Jesus, the only person whose love will never fail through all of life, death, and into eternity.
3. Everyone needs a purpose
As a former Watergate conspirator said, many folks live their lives climbing the ladder of success only to realize it was leaning against the wrong wall. Jesus’ resurrection provides us with the power to live lives of significant purpose and to discern between true and false success. Invite your friends to discover Jesus, the only compass to guide you to a life of genuine, meaningful purpose.
4. We’re all going to live forever
Most folks today believe that and the Bible agrees. The question is, if you are going to live forever, what neighborhood will you live in? Jesus promises that for those who believe in Him they will live in an eternal neighborhood of light, joy, purpose, and companionship with loved ones. But Jesus won’t force anyone to live in His neighborhood. Problem is, any place outside His source of light, joy, purpose, and companionship is an eternal place of
darkness, pain, regret, and isolation—not a neighborhood we want anyone to live in. Invite your friends to meet Jesus, so they can live forever in the neighborhood of joy.Invite your friends to church this Christmas season!
CLICK HERE to download the ZIP File, SAVE to your desktop and CLICK to open and use.
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