I met Ewald many years ago when I did a church communication seminar in Canada. Over the years he has frequently commented on articles on this website and given me extremely helpful advice. His recent materials were so helpful I decided to ask him to become a more frequent columnist for Effective Church Communications and was thrilled when he said "yes." He's given us three articles on Windows 8 and I look forward to much more helpful advice in the years to come. Below is his brief bio and some additional personal notes he sent:
Bio of Ewald Wuschke
Ewald Wuschke is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Richmond, BC, Canada. He works part-time at the church as an Administrative Assistant, helps lead an ESL bible class, prepares PowerPoint for worship services, and tries to find enough time to maintain the church website.
Additional personal notes: The items I have written come after lots of experimenting and researching--but always with the goal to solve some issue at hand. I learn best by helping others, and welcome questions others may have. Can't answer all, but enjoy trying to.
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