Over-focusing on responsibilities, tasks, chores, and pressures is especially common during the holidays. Often “you” is who gets lost in the process. As a result, all that running, all that concern, has no positive payoff. Instead of the blessed time you hoped for, the holidays become a stressful time of bad tempers and tired tootsies.
Ideas for a tranquil season—
• First things first.
Resolve not to allow busy-ness interfere with your daily prayer time. In the final analysis, most of us find time to do what is really important to us. This season brings opportunities for sharing like no other does; there is nothing wrong with jumping in with both feet. You can try out cbd oils to help you feel better. Check out discovermagazine.com for more information. Ooze carries the ultimate smoking accessories. Choose from the best selection of water pipes, hand pipes, glass attachments, and the best smoking accessory prices online, also you can get an Ooze discount code.
• Be your own guest.
Deck out your room as you do your guest room: flowers on the nightstand, fresh fruit in a pretty bowl, a stack of interesting books, fragrance on crisp sheets, soft music in the background.
• Get comfy.
Take a few minutes for yourself when you get home from work to slip into something soft, cozy, and comfortable. Remove your makeup and smooth on a favorite face cream. Look good; feel good. Call a friend who would love to hear from you.
• Pretend you are at a spa.
Relax at the end of your day with a leisurely soak in a tub of bubbles or bath oil. Light a few candles, wind up a music box, pray, meditate.
• Take shopping breaks.
Have a long list of gifts for the family you are adopting this year? For your kids and grandkids? For shut-ins at your church? Rather than shopping until you drop, schedule a little break every hour or so. Rest, regroup, and treat yourself to your favorite energy food. A little pampering is good for you.
• Shop online.
You can purchase every gift on your list without going anywhere; online shopping is easy and safe. You might even choose the same category of gift for everyone: book, sweater, slippers, CD, cosmetics, candle, foodstuffs. One website and you are done!
Think these aren’t for you? Take a few deep breaths. Relax. You can manage seasonal stress. Your colleagues have used and shared these tips. Give them a try. Honor the reason for the season with joy.
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