When I first saw these cards I was thrilled because I'd just finished writing:
However, in the midst of this huge spiritual hunger in our world, which is motivated by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, people are not coming to the one source, the Church, that is the only true source of eternal life, forgiveness, and peace through faith in Jesus.
This is not happening because the Church is deficient or Jesus is no longer Savior. This is happening because the church is not communicating who it is and how it can meet the deepest needs of people.
Very few people in our world today think of the Church (and local churches anywhere) as THE source of salvation, truth, or eternal life.
from: Declining church attendance and how your communications can help turn that around (If you haven't read this yet, it is very important, please click on the title and you can go to it.)
I wrote this because I know many churches don't know how to share the main thing they are about: Salvation in Jesus.
Here is a church that has a clear focus on the essential of salvation in Jesus and has created a tool to help their people share it. Yes, it is very brief and you may want to add more to it, but please use this as an inspiration and starting point for a tool to equip your people.
Below are images of the front and back of the cards. Below them is a download for ECC Members (for information on prices and how to join, click here) in MS Word that you can modify for your church; the file also includes a ready-to-print PDF of them. I would strongly encourage that you put contact information on the cards so that if people have questions or want to respond to the message of Jesus, they have someone to contact.
CLICK on the link below to download the ZIP file containing the PDF and editable MS Word file.
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Here is the link: https://www.effectivechurchcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/BASIC-Instruct.zip
I may just be missing something, but I’m looking for a file of the GIS:BIBLE tract. Thank you for your help!
I think I know the problem! You did not resign up for your LIFETIME membership
Though I sent out numerous notices on this (I’ll be doing an article on it) a lot of people haven’t done this til now. The previous company that handled our membership went out of business and so you have to do a very brief sign up again. Here is the link to do that:
After you do that, Here is the link to what you need
Go to the link below, and at the bottom of the article is the link to download the file. If you aren’t signed up as a member, you won’t see the link.
Let me know if that works for you or if you have other questions,
Blessings to you today as you serve our Lord,