Lent is coming up and here are some flyers you can use to prepare your congregation for it.
During Lent, we begin looking towards Easter as we remember Jesus' time in the desert of his temptation.
Whether your church is liturgical or not, whether you have an Ash Wednesday or Sunday service, this is a great time to encourage people to think more of others and here are two FREE publications to help you do that.
Both of the flyers below encourage self-denial in non-traditional ways: fasting from words, buying, noise, and bad attitudes among other things, plus they encourage positive actions of service to others.
These are all actions we should continually practice as believers and the season of Lent is a wonderful time to remind your congregation of the values of self-discipline and service. Click on either image below to download the PDF you can use to print off the flyers for your church.
I've done additional designs for the first one CLICK HERE to go to them, but if you want this design you must download it here.

Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!