We could all do better on our writing, grammar, and editorial skills and this website has a wealth of articles to help. In addition, they also have a very useful FREE Ebook on the Basics of English grammar. They send out a daily newsletter with short writing tips that I don't always read, but have found useful.
They also have a number of blog articles they link to that are excellent reminders and training to help us keep quality in our church communications.
Be a bit careful of the advertisements on their site. For example, I didn't like the big display ad on self-publishing "for only $100." You can self-publish books for free, you don' t need to pay someone to do it for you. That's one of the reasons we do self publishing. But overall, lots of useful material.
CLICK HERE to go to the site overall
CLICK HERE to go to the page to download the FREE Basic English Grammar ebook.
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