No matter how stressed out and short of time you are, please take time to read this and download the free publications.
You've work really hard, you've invited people and in addition, tradition and culture encourages people to attend Christmas services.You will get a fantastic turn-out for your Christmas celebrations!
One study showed that though only 29% of people in America regularly attend service (international audience, please forgive, these statistics are for illustration uses only), 65% WILL ATTEND a Christmas church service!
Many people will come who have not visited your church before and who may not plan to come until next Christmas. The communication pieces you give them can make a difference in their eternal destiny--I know you are tired and probably stressed to the limit, but PLEASE take the time to connect them with your church and Jesus.
You don't have an excuse not to because the ones below are ready for you to print and use, PLUS THEY ARE FREE!
Please don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with them and to share Jesus!
I've shared many communication resources with you for Christmas (CLICK HERE to go to all of them) but if you aren't an ECC Member or just discovered this site here are three FREE PDF DOWNLOADS for you. At the end of this article is the link to the ZIP file. They are all ready-to-print and can be personalized on the back. If you want to create your own, use them for inspiration, but be sure you give to Christmas visitors these three communication pieces:
#1 Share the story of salvation in Jesus--a Bulletin Insert or handout
#2 Connect with people so you can contact them in the future--a Connection Card
#3 Give them a reason to come back to your church to hear more--a bulletin insert or follow-up postcard
CLICK HERE to download your FREE ZIP file of the communications on this page. Just click, it will download, SAVE to your desktop and CLICK to open.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!