You can't ignore a door-hanger—you literally have to do something with it and even if you toss it, chances are you'll glance at the message. One of the most powerful reasons door hangers can be effective Easter outreach is because often the person reading them is alone and may not be thinking about anything else.
In addition to this quick glance, I recently read an interesting article about the impact of tangible, touchable marketing. It is from a study done by the Centre for experimental Consumer Psychology at Bangor University in the United Kingdom and used MRI brain monitoring to measure response between ads printed on a paper flyer and ads viewed on-screen. Here are their comments:
The ads that could be physically touched as well as viewed stimulated the most activity on the brain. . . By having something physical in front of them, the brain placed more authority and emotional resonance to that ad versus the one the participant could see only via a monitor. The takeaway from this experiment was physical involvement versus just visual involvement equated to a deeper connection. . . . . . It's also an important reminder that effective marketing needs to integrate all faces of the tools available, from print media to email, display ads to social media, and word-of-mouth to influencer marketing campaigns.
Here is one more reason door hangers can be effective Easter outreach—often the person reading them is alone and may not be thinking about anything else.
Finally, there isn't anything magical about print or door hangers, but in addition to the reasons above, their low-cost and the ability to involve your congregation when you give them out (discussed in the article here) make them a useful addition to your Easter mix of outreach.
As the following images illustrate, we have a selection of door hangers for you to choose from for Easter. Some have room on them for church information on the front, others you can put it on the second side. One has a message for you about hope and that is below the images illustrated.
Message on the back of the door hanger about hope:
The feeling that there is light at
the end of the journey. . .
The assurance that someday
wrongs will be righted. . .
The joy of knowing you are
loved and accepted . . .
The clean feeling of sins washed
away. . .
Hope is what Easter is all about.
Join us this Easter Sunday and
let us share a message of hope
with you.
All of the door hangers are in a ZIP file you can download below. The file has PDFs and editable MS Publisher files for all the door hangers illustrated.
If you need blank door-hangers, CLICK HERE for an article that lists resources for blank door hangers and production options. The article also gives you additional reasons why door-hangers make effective Easter outreach tools.
To download the ZIP file of the Easter door hangers, Click the following link: MS Pub Doorhanger Easter
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!