My initial purpose in sharing this was to introduce you to Worship House Kids, a wonderful resource for multimedia resources for children's ministry. But as I was looking around the site, I found this video (CLICK HERE to go to the link--it is a FREE download) and can't encourage you enough to look at it.
Yes, it has a great message for children, but an equally important one for all church communicators about the importance of simply being yourself, loving Jesus and doing your best to communicate Him to your world. We can make ourselves crazy trying to copy one trend or another, one graphic style or another, getting the latest technology tool or whatever else we think we must do to be a successful communicator when we forget to make sure the website is updated, that people know childcare is provided for the small groups, and the multitude of not-exciting, but essential details we need to include to make sure people actually connect to life-changing church events.
Don't worry too much about your communications reflecting the latest cool style, but pray without ceasing that they reflect the love of Jesus.
Enjoy the video and do check out the website: of great stuff there for your children's ministry (and us big people too).
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!