A wonderful illustration of how the body of Christ works and of how desperately we need each other in all our communications work was gently shown me in an email I received right after I sent out my previous newsletter letting all of you know about the Connection Card Templates I'd created to inspire everyone and for immediate use for members.
Members, that is, unless they live in Canada or (and we have members in England, Holland, Australia, Puerto Rico)--for all of you I greatly apologize because I put on the cards "city, state, zip." Great for the U.S., not so much for those not living in states with zip codes. What really makes me upset with myself is that I have spent many, many days, weeks, goodness knows how much time in Canada. My grandfather was from Canada--you would think I would know about provinces and postal codes!
But I forgot.
And a very kind member from Canada reminded me that he had to change all of what I thought were ready-to-print materials.
One tiny change makes all the difference
A new file is added for members, at then end of this article with all the changes made. If you aren't a member—do consider joining, click here to find out more--it is the best $9.99 a month you will spend to equip yourself and your church.
All the files have one very simple change, but that I will do for all the materials I make up in the future: I simply took out the "city, state, zip" and changed "street address" to simply: Address.
That should work anywhere.
If the kind pastor hadn't shared, I would not have made the change
PLEASE, please let me know if something that I do is not working for you, or if you have additional questions or need things—my goal is to serve all of you so that your churches can more effectively fully fulfill the Great Commission.
If possible—go ahead and put your questions in the COMMENT sections of the articles. That way when I answer, everyone will see the question and answer.
You can also always email me at yvon@effectivechurchcom.com if you would prefer to do that.
Most of all pray for me for wisdom to serve you and our Lord in ways that grow His church and give Him joy.
My blessings to you today!
Click here for the ZIP file of the 6 Seasonal Connection Card Templates.
Please share your thoughts, comments, questions!