We have so many ways we can share the messages of our church today, often our biggest challenge is knowing which one to use. The video here is an overview of the communication channels available to church communicators today along with a discussion of the positives and challenges about each one. It also encourages you to create a communication team because no one person can possibly do all the communication in any church today.
This is not a how-to for every channel shown, but an essential OVERVIEW of the church communication channels.
Below the video is a PDF of the handouts for the Video.
This video is FREE for everyone, but the PDF of the notes are for ECC MEMBERS only. We are in the process of adding HD videos for ECC Members, this one was created before we had that ability, but it is still very useful. Membership is one of the best investments you can make in the communication success of your church and is only $9.99 a month or $99 a year for any size church. CLICK HERE for membership information and signup.
This was a great webinar and an issue that our church is struggling with right now. We are a small country church with a generally older population, but our pastor has recently brought in a number of young families. We want to be sure we are ministering to them and keeping them engaged in what is happening in the church. We have discussed the various means of communication, and as our team meets tonight, we will have this information to help guide our direction. Thanks so much!
You are so welcome!
I think it can be a great witness for a church, even though it is a HUGE amount of work, to do all the communications necessary to reach and minister to and serve ALL the people.
I’m praying for your church and for you to have the strength you need to create communications in all the channels needed.
Our committee had a few great meetings, and created a survey closely based along the lines of your communications survey, and now the team is micro-managing every question, and questioning every question. It i so frustrating to get the group to agree on moving forward, to only get bogged down with all the little details. Will social medial really be important? We have older members that don’t even have computers, why should we worry about having Facebook? should the question really be worded that way or maybe a different way. I could cry. Continue praying for our little church, and any ideas to keep them moving would be helpful.
Thanks so much for the question–and I understand what is happening. In the church we always long for certainty and don’t want to do the “wrong” thing. But communication work isn’t theology (I’ve been to seminary and do church communication work…..I know the difference!)
The survey is a great starting point, but how that works out in practice is different with every group– reality is that:
–You need lots of communication systems today.
–You will find no ONE perfect way to do things.
–You need to just jump in and try some things and track the results!
There is a lot more that can be said about this, but I’m going to send you two publications that are not released as yet–one is a book that will be coming out in in the next few weeks both online and in print form on Amazon (I’m very excited about that). It is a book on Planning, Measuring, and Evaluating–as I said–the survey is just the start–then you try things, then measure and evaluate. This book will help you understand the whole process. The book refers to a CD that is not available as yet, but will be in a few weeks.
The second publication is VERY much in the draft stages, but has a number of articles that show how we need a number of communications in our church.
You have my permission to pass on, make copies of and share any of these materials.
I commend your church for looking at these things–and I am praying that your team will take the time to continue to study, learn, but JUMP IN and try various things to get the glorious messages of your church to your people!