Can it be possible that Christmas and the holidays related to it are just around the proverbial corner?
Many church office professionals say this season has a way of sneaking up on them. It isn’t a matter of not knowing the dates— it is just that before we feel ready the celebrations are here. At both church and home there are more activities to plan, more projects to do, more pressure, more hurry. Too often what should be a joyful time becomes one of stress and frustration.
This year can be different. Really. You may not be able to change what goes on around you, but you can change your responses and you can control your own expectations and activities. A caveat: The answer is not to move everything up a few weeks. As a friend remarked, “At our church all the Christmas programs and parties are over by the first of December. The 25th doesn’t seem like the day at all.”
Ideas for keeping spirits bright—
• As soon as possible reserve a quiet time to make a list of what you most want to accomplish during the Christmas season. Consider spiritual goals, personal and family priorities, and your professional responsibilities. This is vital step; don’t neglect or rush it.
• Review your list; think about how you can start or renew traditions to enrich your Christmas experience. Much of what is most precious about the season revolves around customs, many of which fall by the wayside in the crush of today’s lifestyles. Preserve what you love; eliminate what you don’t.
• Claim responsibility for staying on target. Focus only on the things you have identified as most important. Resist being pulled into projects or activities not meeting your criteria for inclusion. You can replace today’s materialistic emphases with more meaningful messages.
• Keep it simple. Magazines are brimming with thousands of Christmas ideas, hundreds you really like. Pick just a few. Be realistic in your expectations. Many of the things we reserve for the holidays themselves can be done at less demanding times of the year. Use these special months doing only those things best done now.
Best wishes for blessed holidays.
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