Tony Whittaker, the founder of Internet Evangelism Day (http://www.internetevangelismday.com) recently sent me this faux code that is a great description of all we should do in digital outreach.
Even if you aren't into computer code, I think the message is clear on what our attitude should be in our Internet outreach. Please read it and then below it, I have some current, practical application challenges.
Finally, if you have ways you currently share your faith online, please share them in the comment section following.
<need digital-evangelists
('writing' = jargon-free;
'tone' = outsider-friendly;
'target' = prioritize-non-seekers; '
condemnation' = off;
'love' = on; '
preachiness' = off; '
churchiness' = off; '
cultural-sensitivity' = high;
'contextualization' = high; '
storytelling-mode' = on;
'empathy' = high;
'popular-culture-parallels' = use;
'felt-needs' = understand; 'sense-of-entitlement'= off;
'politics' = off;
'humor' = use;
'social-media-interaction' = use;
'languages' = multiple;
'location' = worldwide;
= mobile,tablet,pc)>
Current application idea
I was recently talking to a Christian friend who spends a lot of time on Facebook and she was honestly surprised when I mentioned that she could be using those interactions to share her faith.
It's good for all of us to be reminded that the internet provides us with extraordinary opportunities to be salt and light to our world. Particularly in a day when so much online discourse is vile and contentious, we can be gracious, kind, and truthful in all we communicate—in other words to practice the characteristics Tony encouraged us to in the code above.
If you or your church are doing things to actively share your faith or be a witness for Jesus in the online world, (other than church social media announcements or even if you do something special there) please share it in the comments here. It'a an area we all need ideas and encouragement in.