Sometimes before we can share the love of Jesus with others, we need to be reminded of it ourselves. Below is a set of Valentines Cards to encourage believers in Jesus how much he loves us and how we should love others.
The set is free and is in a downloadable ZIP file after the images. The ZIP files contains both PDF images and the original editable MS Publisher file.
The message below can be printed on the back of the cards, or used in other ways for Valentine's Day Outreach:
Valentine’s Day is supposed to be all about love—but, truth be told—it is often about disappointment.
Disappointment comes from human love, which may be wonderful, but somehow
always seems to fall short of our expectations and dreams.We may blame it on Hollywood and the media, on unrealistic images, unobtainable fantasies, on novels and dreams. But, though our expectations and dreams may have flawed foundations, maybe it isn’t bad to be disappointed in human love.
Maybe it is a realistic reminder that we can never expect human love to fill the place in the human heart only God can fill.
When we realize that God loves us unconditionally, totally, fully, when we rest and rejoice in that, an interesting thing happens. . . . . .
The human love we get from imperfect humans isn’t disappointing anymore. Because God loves us in our imperfections, stumbles, and short-comings, He can help us love others as they really are, not as fantasies, but as real people as flawed as we all are.
When we accept and give His love, it’s a Valentine better than chocolate—relationships not built on disappointing dreams, but on honest, satisfying, acceptance of each other.
Images of the Valentine's Day Cards:
To download the ZIP file of the images in PDF format and MS Publisher format, CLICK the following link: Valentine Cards quarter page Believer encouragements