I realize a lot of churches have problems with Halloween and I understand why, but along with the problems it is a fantastic opportunity for evangelism!
Here's why: people are thinking about death, dying, and the afterlife more than any other time of year. Yes, their views are totally wrong and distorted, but at least they are thinking about it. Following are some not very subtle suggestions that people may want to consider Jesus—the one person who conquered death.
These cards have the thought-provoking challenge on the front and then on the back you can either put websites for them to check out in more detail (as I did on one of the cards) or you can link them to other websites or sources at your church. Best of all, consider a time at your church holding some Bible Studies for people to consider the Christian faith.
If you hold a Trunk or Treat or other event, these are great to put into goodie bags. You can do that at home also.
Just like the Apostle Paul used the idols of Athens as a bridge to sharing the true God, we can take an admittedly horrible time of year and use it to tell people about Jesus.
Resources to help you share the gospel at Halloween
Below are both business cards and half-page size cards or bulletin inserts for your inspiration.