It will happen.
Someday there will be a technology that you don't understand. You will find yourself hanging on to a communication system because that is the primary way you and the friends your age prefer to interact with your world. But your numbers will grow less with each year and some day perhaps your church will look at was once cutting edge and risky. Discussions will take place as to whether it should be continued.
At that time one of two things will happen:
Possibility number one:
The leadership may decide that your favored, older method of technology needs to be abandoned. They will give reasons of money and efficiency.
You will remind them, "But that is the only way.....certain people interact with the church."
They will smile, briefly voice concern, and promise to do something about it once they get the new technology functional.
Possibility number two:
The leadership may decide that your favored, older method of technology needs to be abandoned. They will give reasons of money and efficiency
But at the same time, they will point to decisions made long ago at the start of technology challenges where the church decided to not abandon any technology in the church if even one person would not be able to receive communications from the church without it. Back then it meant sending out postcards to those without email and printing large print bulletins and newsletters for those who needed them.
What future will be at your church?
You are making the decisions today in how you treat people as you change technology that will set a pattern for how you and many others in the future will be treated.
Don't let the seeming need to adopt cutting edge technology too quickly cause you to forget the needs of the people the technology is supposed to serve.
Remember Jesus went after one little sheep in need. Today that one little sheep might be the elderly person without a computer.
A few years from now the person who doesn't want to participate in the new technology might be you—still clutching your first iPhone and vowing you'll never give it up—no matter what those young kids think.